Oxfam Volunteering – How do I feel by the end of the day?


My initial involvement with Oxfam was to run Oxjam We’re Skint, They’re Skinter and the more I learned about the work the money we raise would go to, the more I wanted to help, so I volunteered to help out over a weekend at 2 Oxfam events.   Rio Connection and Gibson Street Gala.

Here are 4 key reasons why I’m Inspired and motivated to support in any way I can!

1. One billion people go hungry each day but there’s enough food in the world to feed everyone!

I always had this perception that there wasn’t enough food and to find out that most of the reasons people go hungry can be fixed if the whole world just works together, shocked me, then inspired me to continue to campaign with the Oxfam Scotland team.  I’m part of the Oxfam Glasgow Campaigners Group and excited to be part of influencing change.  Oxfam are making changes happen to this crisis through their Grow campaign, find out more here.

We managed to get nearly 200 signatures on an oversized letter to send to the Secretary of State —>

Me and Sara Cowan of Oxfam.

to plead with them to give their fair share of aid required to help 18 million additional people at risk of hunger

2. A young girl addressed the UN Meeting an the issues of environment, inspired the world, but not a lot was done about it!

This young girl inspired me.  She inspired others, she inspired that many there are over 20 million views on YouTube.  Her words are so wise and I was shocked to find out nearly 20 years later, we’re still trying to fix the same issues!  So we all have to stand up and do this?

3. Avoidable food waste costs Scotland nearly £1 billion, that’s the equivalent of £430 per household!

Finding out from the reps from  Zero Waste Scotland about their Love Food Hate Waste campaign  inspired me to do what I can to reduce the waste I produce and save myself some cash.  There are plenty of ways we can all reduce our avoidable food waste and it’s pretty easy.  They even have an app!

There were so many ideas and ways to reduce the waste we produce as a country.  I met someone who works for Yooz a reuse and recycling company and recognised many opportunities for the businesses I work with, they can even save money too!  We can really make a change.

It’s Recycling week from 18th-24th June. A little info videofrom Zero Waste Scotland

4. There are still many parts of the world were women are not recognised as equals!

So, you might think, Lindsey everyone knows about this.  Most of us know about the inequality between the sexes.  Well, yeah I do, but I didn’t know that woman farmers in other parts of the world are not recognised as farmers, they are literally not allowed to be farmers.   Yet they do the work of farmers.  They don’t get the same rights as farmers, so they have to farm with less resources and live in the fear of their farming land being sold from under their feet.

I was inspired by one woman by the change she had influenced for female farmers rights, inspired to help change it too.


p.s. Thank you to Laura Kerr and Sara Cowan of Oxfam for welcoming me to the team!

p.s.s in true Glasgow Oxjammer fashion the blog title is inspired by the lyrics of a great tune.

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