#5 Be Instrumental

This is blog #5 of our 10 reasons blog campaign! As we promised 1 blog per day for the next 10 days, each giving one reason why people should get involved with Oxjam, from Lindsey and Ewan’s point of view. (Well, this one is mainly Lindsey as Ewan is out in talks with a producer friend)

Reason #5 It’s all about change!

Ok, so straight away it’s best to say, we’re not really asking you to change.  Let’s try a little experiment… hands up if you like going out to watch live music? Keep your hands up if you would normally pay about 5 quid for your ticket if it was local bands? Keep them up if you would be happy if that 5 quid offered more than your normal 3 bands and offered more entertainment? Ok hands down. That’s an Oxjam event. Spend what you normally spend, do what you normally do, and be instrumental in changing the lives of others!

A ticket to an Oxjam event costs a little amount of money but makes big changes: preventing poverty, preventing death in crises, providing essential sanitation, improving education, providing sufficient healthcare and many more necessary changes in the world!

Last year Oxfam helped 14.5 million people in 57 countries.  By attending an Oxjam event this year, you can help make that even more.

There are many things we can do to help others out…  Ideally, I would love to see everyone agree to a 1p donation from their wage.  In the UK alone this would equate to approx. £29 million a month… 1p… 1p… that means £348 million a year for charities…

Oxjam is not that sort of relationship, it’s no direct debit, it’s paying a small ticket price, watching some local music talent, having a couple of drinks, chatting to some friends, dancing the night away, maybe even entering some competitions and buying some band merch…

When October comes (Green Day – When September Ends popped in my head and completely broke my concentration)… so, when October comes, when you’re planning your nights out, can you check out what Oxjam events are in your area and buy a ticket for that instead?

Oxjam We’re Skint, They’re Skinter, a mini festival in Glasgow, on Saturday 6th October, fancy checking it out? Oxjam WSTS Facebook page or @oxjam_wsts

Song #5