#10 Can you tell me 10 words that you’d use to describe the world

This is blog #10, the final blog,  of our 10 reasons blog campaign! As we promised 1 blog per day for the next 10 days, each giving one reason why people should get involved with Oxjam, from Lindsey and Ewan’s point of view.

Reason #10 We’re Skint, They’re Skinter.

That’s it, reason #10, and our final reason to get involved with Oxjam.  All over the world, people are feeling the affect of the current ‘economic situation’, but people in Britain are still better off than others in the world.  As you can see from the map below we’re in a better situation!

Blue means high income and yellow means low income.

The cost of living in Britain is quite high this means that 5 quid doesn’t get you a lot here, but it certainly does a lot in Africa!

10 words we’d use to describe the world:

It’s very unbalanced and we should all sort it out.

How does Oxjam help everyone?

Oxjam events are not for profit; Volunteers run the event and artists play for free!  Resulting in a very low cost ticket price for everyone! And, of course, with the added bonus of raising money to help out others and watching some of the best music talent in the area!

10 words we’d use to describe Oxjam:

A fantastic idea created by Oxfam. Local music, global impact.

So what are Oxjam WSTS doing about it?

We’re planning to provide everyone with a great mini festival experience at a very low cost because all of us, we’re skint.

We’re raising money for Africa, the proceeds go to Oxfam. We’re Skint, They’re Skinter.

10 words we’d use to describe our event:

Oxjam We’re Skint, They’re Skinter – A festival for a fiver.

That’s right. A. Festival. For. A. Fiver.

Tell everyone you know!

Song #10


#3 Scrolls written daily create a new sound, Listeners listen ’cause this here is wisdom

This is blog #3 of our 10 reasons blog campaign! A little later than promised.  10 blogs each giving 1 reason why people should get involved with Oxjam, from Lindsey and Ewan’s point of view.

Reason #3 It’s all about development

The money raised during Oxjam events goes to Oxfam and helps them carry out vital work to fight poverty and suffering all over the world.  Development work, emergency responses and campaigning for change are the 3 main areas Oxjam money supports!

So if you want to help save lives, swiftly deliver aid in a crisis, support and protect people, help people prepare for future crises, teach people how to take control and prevent poverty and help put pressure on world leaders for real lasting change, then helping out or attending an Oxjam event is for you!

Last year Oxfam emergency and development work reached 14.5 million people in 57 countries!  Oxfam provided 47 emergency responses in 31 countries.  The UK raised £263 million that changed lives all over the world.   All this happened because of people like you!  Let’s raise more this year!

Oxfam are planning the biggest Oxjam Music Festival in October this year and with a recent partnership with Q Magazine, it’s bound to be a fantastic year!

Oxjam We’re Skint, They’re Skinter in Glasgow are still taking on volunteers.  If you want to be a part of our one day mini festival then you can visit our Facebook page or tweet at us @Oxjam_WSTS 

Have you guessed song #3?

Did the blog title help?

Song #3

Thanks again to the teams at Oxfam/Oxjam for the information


#1 Looking for an answer?

This is blog #1 of our 10 reasons blog campaign! As we promised 1 blog per day for the next 10 days, each giving one reason why people should get involved with Oxjam, from Lindsey and Ewan’s point of view.

Reason #1 It’s not for profit!

Oxjam is Oxfam’s month-long music festival.  It runs all through October with hundreds of events around the UK.  All event organisers are volunteers who know and love their local music scene.  All money made is donated to Oxfam.

Since the first festival in 2006, Oxjam has raised more than £1.75 million for Oxfam’s work. That’s enough to buy 15,000 emergency shelter; 70,000 goats or 1050 classrooms.

So if you would like to be involved in your local music scene, whether you have experience or not, and help raise money to save lives all over the world, then Oxjam is a great opportunity!

Our event Oxjam We’re Skint, They’re Skinter is aimed at raising money for better education facilities in Africa! We’re both adult educators and feel passionate about this.  Help out at our event or one of the many events in the Glasgow area! Remember, anyone can help out! (Ones we know of Oxjam Glasgow Takeover and Oxjammin’)

Local music, global impact.

Oh, yeah, the 10 songs… song #1


Thanks to the Oxjam website for our facts!